When you run a file-based antivirus program against your Exchange database and log files, it may show false reports of a virus. When you try to disinfect the file, you may end up causing serious damage to your Exchange database. For instance, the antivirus program might delete or quarantine the E00.log file, causing the Exchange services to crash and leaving your database in an inconsistent state. In this case, if you try to mount your mailbox store, you may encounter the below given error:
'The database files in this storage are inconsistent
Id no: c1041739'
Additionally, Event IDs 465 and 477 are logged in the Application log. This indicates that the mailbox store database is damaged or in an inconsistent state.
Initially, you should verify the state of your database using the Microsoft Exchange Server Database utility (Eseutil.exe). To do so, run the following command from your 'Drive:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Bin' directory at the command prompt:
eseutil /mh "drive:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\database_name.edb"
You should replace 'database_name.edb' with 'Priv1.edb' for mailbox store database and 'Public.edb' for public store database. If you find your database in an inconsistent state, you should restore it from a backup file. This will allow restoring the missing or damaged log files. In case, you do not have a full backup of the storage group, you need to repair the database using the following procedure:
If you fail to fix the above said Exchange database error, use Stellar Repair for Exchange to fix, repair and restore your damaged databases. The software employs safe and ingenious technique to scan your damaged database and recover all user mailboxes from this database (.edb) file. It allows you to save the recovered mailboxes as PST files that can be easily imported into MS Outlook. Stellar Exchange Database Recovery Software supports recovery from database files of MS Exchange 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 (SP2, SP1), 2007, 2003, 2000, and 5.5 versions.